I realize this is most likely a waste of electrons but this bears repeating because it seems the majority of people think I'm lucky because I get to bring my "pet" with me everywhere I go. What they don't understand is that I wouldn't be "everywhere" if I didn't have my "pet" with me.
When unthinking (nee STUPID) people constantly distract my dog, particularly in crowds where I'm already on edge, it becomes extremely frustrating and can trigger a panic attack (and I promise you won't like my attitude when I'm trying to get you to leave us alone!).
Isn't it enough that you all point and stare like I can't see you? How many idiot parents do I have to walk away from while they teach their kids that its okay to point and stare at disabled people? ("Look at the dog Susie, look at the doggy!") I already have to put up with employees and managers at hotels, stores and restaurants that have no idea how to deal with a service dog team (i.e. they have no clue as to what the law actually says). Can't you just leave us alone when we are walking through a throng of people with our own agenda which doesn't include being stopped so you can molest my dog while I wish I was anywhere but where you are? I bet if I walked up and did the same thing to your child that you do to my dog you'd be calling the cops in a heartbeat. You won't put up with sort of thing, why should we have to endure it?
Would you walk up to someone in a wheelchair and start petting their wheelchair? Same thing applies to my service dog who is, in fact, medical equipment. I get it, you're a dog person. So am I. But please leave your dog tactile fetish for your own canines and leave my dog alone already.
If the tone of this writing doesn't penetrate the skull of the people who think I bring my dog out for their enjoyment then I will put it in simple terms: please leave my dog and I alone when we are out in public. I'm really tired of it.
Don't take it from me, read what a professional service dog trainer has to say about it:
Advice from a trainer: Don't talk to the service dogs
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